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About Us


Mona Hassan

Mona was born in Austria to a South Korean mother & an Egyptian father. Having lived abroad for the past 12 years across 6 countries she truly embodies being a global citizen. After spending the past 7 years in Barcelona she moved back to her home city Vienna in October 2022.


This is what her professional background looks like:


She is an ICF-certified PCC coach (+500 coaching hours) and brings 10 years of corporate experience in the field of Marketing & Sales Leadership. In 2020 she decided to leave the corporate world to start her own business as coach & trainer. As restless learner she holds 4 university degrees and 6 coach certifications from different schools, including somatic, embodiment, and health coaching. Stepping into her calling as teacher made her open her own coaching school called Embodied Leadership Coaching.



A few personal words:


Every person is powerful, connected and creator of their own life. They just need to remember. My mission is to raise the collective consciousness of this planet called Earth by helping people to re-WILD, untame and decondition themselves to fully step into their own power again. As a down-to-earth and at the same time very spiritual person I see my purpose as being a bridge builder - connecting what seems to be paradoxes such as business + spirituality, ancient wisdom + modern life, feminine + masculine, yin + yang, old + new. The union of these is where the magic lies. Non-duality. Oneness.

This is what her spiritual journey looks like:


With roots in Korea and Egypt Mona has always felt a strong connection to ancient wisdom. In her teenage years she regularly went to religious retreats. During her early adulthood she started distancing herself from any kind of religion or spiritual practice. Her personal development journey then brought her back in touch with all kinds of mind-body practices that re-awakened her interest in spirituality. While she tried many different practices her Kundalini Awakening in March 2021 put her entire life upside down. It was her wakeup call and her life’s calling at the same time. She became a Kundalini Awakening Facilitator and immersed herself also in the field of Astrology. Coaching, Kundalini Awakening and Astrology are now the main 3 ways how she helps people develop as person and evolve as soul.



Patrick Guérin

Originally from France, Patrick began his journey as a sailor at the age of 8 and fell in love with deep water, while training & racing catamaran at a high level of competition, he encountered mental facilitation, breathwork, transformational work from the inside out.

During this time, Patrick was dedicated & choose his career as a chef, committed to a high standard & again competing at high level of creativity which saw him win cheffing competitions around the world as he kept is close relationship to the sea cheffing for private clients on mega yacht.


In 2014, there was a wakeup call in his life, and everything changed, this was a deeply transformative 4 years diving head first into anything that he felt would help him from Personal development and reaching higher Vibrational level, Energy work, Kundalini, Shamanism and Tantra, working alongside Energy Master from Europe, Indonesia & Russia, along with completing numerous plant diets and frequency experiences. Also living and training his emotional intelligence with energetical family system.

And a personal quote from me:


"My own path has shown me that everyone can live a life of true purpose & thriving in their own being connected to a life that is not simply one dimensional to achieve the goals of transformation that connect you to your higher calling by experiencing Energy.


It is important for people to have their own experience so they can choose for themselves, to make their soul’s truth based on their direct reality of change."

Through inner personal work and continuing transformation and growth, Patrick has walked himself home to a based conscious, empowered his energies and continues to walk his path in deep commitment to his own growth and that of passing this onto others through his own Energy practices.


Patrick is now a creating a world where it is safe to remove the conditions of society and decondition projected beliefs for us to live in our authentic energy.  His mission continues to connect with people internationally and taking energy awareness to a high conscious state of living.


Adrien Mastrosimone

Adrien comes from marseille in the south of France. From a young age he studied dance and music. He became a professional ballet dancer at the age of 18 and travelled the world . He lived and worked in France, Switzerland, the USA, England and Austria. Following his ballet career, he then performed on the West End in london and in different opera houses such as the Royal Opera House in Coven Garden, London. Adrien then went on to become a singer. Today he performs his own cabaret shows and is a production manager for an opera company.


His spiritual journey started young as well. He grew up in a Roman Catholic family but he always felt the call to go beyond main stream religion. He was fascinated by the Tarot and all things of esoteric nature and occult knowledge.

Adrien bought his first tarot deck as a young teenager after having seen the Grimaud Marseille Deck in a bookshop in his home town in France. The cards and images were so intriguing that him that he went back to the bookshop countless times. Questioning the bookshop owner about the deck resulted in a not-so-friendly reply of ‘if you don’t know what to do with them you shouldn’t buy them!’ This encouraged him even more to learn about these strange cards. Having saved up enough pocket money, he bought that deck, thus starting a life-time passion in Tarot, the Marseille Deck and divination.


His aim with the Tarot is to empower people: 


‘The tarot is a powerful tool that helps one make informed decisions. Divination is about understanding the now to shape our future consciously.’ 


Adrien has been helping people integrate tarot in their life to become more awake, present and in control.

Adrien’s approach to Tarot is straight-forward and intuitive, informed by his interest in folklore, pataphysics, and Western Esotericism. He has been reading Tarot for over 20 years, and now specialises in using the Marseille Tarot for everyday and spiritual matters.


As well as attending countless workshops around Europe, Adrien had the good fortune to study with some of the top Tarot experts in the world, including Philippe Camoin in Marseille (heir to the original Tarot Marseille makers) and Enrique Enriquez (artist and prolific author). Adrien was also inspired by the work and techniques of Kevin Meunier and Camelia Elias. This has firmly placed Adrien as part of the French school of Tarot reading.

Adrien has studied and worked as part of several Western Esoteric and Ceremonial orders, including the OTO and the Golden Dawn. This trained him in much of the inherent symbolism behind the most popular decks, including Rider-Waite Deck and the Thoth, or Crowley-Harris deck.

Adrien regular teaches classes on the Marseille and Rider Waite Smith as well as workshops on how to use the tarot to better your life. 


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