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The idea of SomS was born from the need of a community.


A group of like minded people that desired to share their experiences and their knowledge. We imagine a place where people could come together to discuss and to learn. A place where souls and hearts could awaken. Where consciousness would reach a higher level.


The School of Modern Spirituality is first of all a community. Within this community we can learn. Courses can be found. Esoteric and ancient wisdom can be found outside of dogma. Religion is not embraced but spirituality is. 


We hope you will find yourself at home within our community of seekers and learners.

Develop as a Person. Evolve as a Soul.

Our Mission

Our Mission

Accelerating awakening of the human civilization through education & training.


Our Vision

​A world where people reach next level consciousness and are connected through their natural human abilities and find their higher purpose.

See Our Next Event!

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